Kitty Names from A - Z
Below you will find some kitty names that spontaneously
come into our heads and which we liked very much. We hope that they will be a little
help to those who are currently looking for a new kitty name. In case some of the names
appear a little strange or unusual to you, this is due to the fact that we deliberately
avoided using the familiar German names like Felix, Moritz etc.
Aisha, Adonis, Apollo, Arabella, Amarice B Batai, Bashir, Beverly, Bijou, Bijan, Bianco/a, Brisko, Bonito/a, Belinda, Baghira, Belle,/Beau C Camelot, Celine, Celeste, Cassiopeia = Cassy, Calisto D Daffi, Dianeira, Diabolo, Dax, Dinky, Dippy E Ebony, Elliot, Ephiny F Felicita, Fantaghiro, Fuchur G Ghizmo, Grisu, Garfield, Geordy, Gulliver, Gabor, Giacomo,Gipsy H Hercules I Ivory J Jadzia, Julia K Kira, Kessy, Kashmir L Lucy, Luzifer, Linus M Merlin, Mariebelle, Micky, Miss Marple N Neelix O Obelix,Ophelia P Percy, Petty, Pearl, Petit/e Q Quickstep, Querida R Racine, Romeo S Spot, Starbuck, Snowball, Samurai, Scully, Simpson, Sunny T Tabby, Titzian, Taormina,Tiffany U Umbrella V Vicky, Vincent W Wondergirl X Xena, Xenia Y Yasmin, Yazoo Z Zita, Zora